When I looked on line for some interesting hikes to do, Fairyland Loop Trail looked like a good one to try out in the morning. It starts out at Fairyland Point which is located before actually reaching the entrance station on a road that comes in from the left.
I arrived at the trail head at 7:12am and started on my way. One thing that is very visually appealing about hiking in Bryce is that the trails are so easily defined and can be easily spo
tted from a ways away.
I rapidly began losing elevation as I dropped from the rim into the canyon amongst the hoodoos. On my way down, I spotted a doe and her fawn just up the trail a few yards. As they saw me coming they left in a hurry down the trail.
The sun still hadn't risen above the canyon walls but the hoodoos seemed to glow despite being in the shadows. I crossed several dry river beds which were probably very active rivers in flash flood situations. I also crossed one section of the trail that had been moved and reblazed just over to the side due to a massive rock fall.
I made a short excursion of about 200 yards to see the Tower Bridge - a natural bridge with a tower like rock jutting out behind it. Soon after, the trail took me into what is known as the "Bryce Amphitheater." Beautiful views of amazing rock formations were visible all a
round me!
Shortly after Tower Bridge and entering the Amphitheater, I started gaining back all of that elevation I lost on my way into the canyon. I knew I would eventually have to start climbing to meet up with the Rim Trail, which is what I took to get back to the trail head.
I reached the Rim Trail and took it back to Fairyland Point, noticing the Bryce Lodge and a few other buildings along the way. A sign indicated that I would be on the Rim Trail for 2.5 miles. It was a relatively flat 2.5 miles with views of the trail I had just been on across the canyon.
I made it back to the trail head at 9:44 after 8 miles of hiking. It was a very picturesque hike that I hope to do again!

In the afternoon, I did the Navajo Loop which was absolutely amazing! From what I've read, it is the most popular hike in the park, and for good reason. The beginning of the trail takes you 550 feet down steep switchbacks through "Wall Street." From the Canyon Rim looking down, Wall Street looks like a dark abyss which actually seems inviting when standing in the hot sun! This portion is definitely the highlight of t
he hike.
Soon after leaving Wall Street, there is an option for a short excursion to 2 bridges, a cool formation just up a small side canyon. I got a picture there and then headed up the trail to the rim again, a 550 vertical foot hike.